Careers & VET

A Letter from our CCS Career Development Teacher:

Dear CCS Community,

As the Career Development Teacher at the Caroline Chisholm School I assist all students to transition to whatever happens beyond high school. Some of the information I provide is easy to post online, such as the resources you find here.  Generally, students and families find it is helpful to meet with me so that appropriate information and resources can be presented for that individual’s circumstances.

In the past I have supported the full range of students, from those student’s needing more than the school environment in Year 8, to those looking for an apprenticeship or a casual job, and others thinking of college courses or hoping to study. Quite often the students I meet are not sure what they want to do later, and that is quite ok.  I provide individually tailored information, explaining the options that person has. Usually by the end of the meeting the student and their family have access to information and resources that they otherwise may not have been aware of, and the student is better able to make informed decisions about their future.

My best contact is by email:

I look forward to hearing from you.  

Kind regards,

Livia Tigwell

What is VET?

Vocational education and training (VET) is competency-based learning that provides students with the opportunity to acquire workplace skills through nationally recognised training while completing their ACT Senior Secondary Certificate.

Through Vocational Education and Training (VET) pathways, students can achieve nationally recognised qualifications required for further study or industry. Teachers who deliver the programs have said that students are making considered decisions when choosing their elective choices. They get to know the student’s abilities and then provide them with an enriched quality learning environment. The result is that we meet the student’s needs and provide them with the ability to reach their potential.

Here at CCS we offer 3 different Vocational courses:

- Certificate I in Sports & Recreation

- Certificate I Hospitality
- Certificate I Furnishing

Work Experience & Careers

ACT public school students over 14 years of age have a high level of access to work experience. At the Caroline Chisholm School students approach the Careers teacher to discuss placements that best suit them. The ACT Education Directorate has an extensive database of work experience possibilities, and placements are scheduled to suit both the host and the student’s availability generally from Years 9 – 12.

Career Quizzes are a fantastic way for anyone who has never really thought about there future in any planned way to make a start.  The following sites are all Australian and absolutely brilliant, for any school aged child or family member!

Click on “Get Career Advice” then select either the JOB QUIZ or the JOB FIT TEST

This is an AMAZING site.  Register first then start with MY CAREER PROFILE.


Year Thirteen

Life after school comes with a heap of decisions but lucky for you, there are no wrong answers. Whether you’re planning on studying, training, working or travelling, the world is your oyster and Year 13 is the knife that’ll wrench apart that shell to reveal the goodness inside. Let’s eat!